These days we all have heard of ID verification, and some players like it while others don’t. One way or another, you need to know everything about this type of process and why it has been mandatory most of the time. Below we will explain all the details and even less-known facts you may want to know. Without further ado, let’s begin.
ID Verification: Understanding The Process
Before moving forward, we must explain a few things about this process. In general, ID verification stands for identity verification. You will have to create an account when you play games online or offline. There you will enter your name, year of birth, address, and more. Then you will have to send a photo of the ID document. Some verifications can be done via a webcam, but you will still need the ID document.
Usually, users will have to send a photo of their passport, government ID, or something else. You may have to send a bill of some kind as well. The latter is used to prove the address where you live. Yes, the account must be in your name. Obviously, many players do not want to share those documents and relieve their identity. Fortunately, they can choose operators with no ID check that usually offer the same type of games and are ready to open them immediately after you complete the registration procedure.
In addition, all of this does take some time, but in the modern era, we can see that the whole process will be completed within hours or at least a day or two. As you can see, the whole purpose of this process is to confirm that you are the person who has created the account and who will use it. The person or company on the other side will match the name, details, and even how you look with you. This means that the ID verification is completed successfully, and you have approved the account. It better said you have a verified account now.
Eliminate the Risk Of Underage Playing
One of the other reasons why ID verification is mandatory today is this one. It prevents underage playing. As you can see, once you verify the account, the casino or the site where you will play (even a video game) will become available or unavailable for you. See, all of these gaming elements have the minimum allowed age. Usually, it is 18 years of age, but it can differ. For instance, some games are allowed for users above 21 years. You must complete the ID verification to play the game because there is no way the developer or the company knows your age. Maybe you are 16 years of age and trying to play the game with a minimum age of 18 years.
This is the primary reason, and we can see it being used in casinos, betting online, playing specific video games, and even using specific websites. Those sites usually try to protect gamers and do many additional procedures to ensure that players are safe. You have to agree that without this process, there is no way anyone can tell your age, and you will be able to use something that is not designed for a person of your age.
Prevent Money Laundering
We can see that a lot of games have been linked to money in massive amounts. The best example would be an online casino, but the same thing applies to video games. You can use the game for money laundering. By its definition, money laundering is a process in which you will use “dirty” or illegal money and make it legal.
The example here can be as simple as depositing the funds to the game and withdrawing it after some time. Now it looks like you have won the money in the game. If you have completed the ID verification this is not possible. The company will have your data, and they can link your account to deposits, games, and more.
To Play Available Games Only
See, some games are not available globally. But most games are not available in one country or multiple countries. Thanks to ID verification, the developer of the publisher can make sure that the game is not played by players from the banned countries. This way of playing can cause legal issues and can make the whole process even more complicated and problematic.
Once the verification is done, you will be able to play the game that is allowed in your country. Keep in mind that you may not be able to visit the site where you can play the game if it is not permitted in your country. ID verification can eliminate the success of VPN and other ways you may have been using to play the game.
The Final Word
Now you should know that ID verification is a required thing in many places and one that can make a massive difference. For example, if we talk about eSports and all the related things, the majority of providers require you to complete the process without exceptions. It can help you with playing safer games, playing them more safely, and this also makes the whole process safer. ID verification is something that will become more and more common soon. Even today, we have massive companies that work with this only, and they will approve your account once you have sent accurate data.