World of Warcraft add-ons add new features to the game, modify the standard interface, expand the possibilities of the auction, guilds, and world maps, and facilitate the passage of relevant content and the completion of quests. In this article, we will talk about some of them.
However, it is worth remembering that add-ons are useful when players already have some experience in the game and they can play well without using third-party services. Newcomers to the game, as well as people who find it rather difficult to play WoW, use boost service wow more often. Its advantages are obvious – professional players quickly level up the character, help to pass raids and dungeons, and much more. At the same time, all services are performed quickly and efficiently, the account is safe, and the player does not need to suffer over complex content.

If you want to use addons, then we advise you to take a look at the ones that we will tell you about in this article.
TomTom WotLK Classic
TomTom is an addon for World of Warcraft WotLK that every player should have. It serves as a navigator in the vast world of Azeroth, allows you to exchange coordinates, and also makes it much easier to explore locations, complete tasks, find the location of rare monsters, resources, etc.
General information about the addon TomTom WotLK Classic
TomTom is a useful and easy-to-use navigator addon with these main opportunities:
- Adding markers with notes on the map using the chat command (or if you want you can click on the selected place in the desired location);
- Panel with current coordinates, which can be dragged around the screen or completely disabled if it bothers you;
- Showing the direction to the selected place on the screen in the form of an arrow indicating the coordinates and distance (can be disabled if necessary);
- Indication of the location of your body after death with distance and direction;
- Displays the coordinates of the location your cursor is pointing to when viewing a world map;
- Separately, it is worth talking about the ability to exchange TomTom coordinates with other players. Send a command in a message with the coordinates of an important place so that your interlocutor can easily find it by using this command in the chat. An example of a command with coordinates: /tway Nagrand 45 50.
TomTom Chat Commands
Below we list the main commands that can be used in WoW chat to control some of the important features of TomTom:
- Open addon settings – /tomtom
- Add a new location to the world map at the specified coordinates – /tway coordinates
- Add a new location to the world map at the specified coordinates in the selected location – /tway Roaring Fjord coordinates
- Add a new destination point to the world map at the specified coordinates with a note – /tway coordinates note
- Delete all marked points on the common map – / tway reset all
- Delete all marked points on the location – / tway reset Howling Fjord
- Set a point with coordinates at the current location – /wayb or /wayback
- Set an arrow pointer showing the direction to the nearest coordinate point on the map – /cway or /closestway
- Display a list of points with coordinates – /tway list
- Display the status of the pointer arrow – /tway arrow
Bartender4 WotLK Classic
Bartender4 is an addon for World of Warcraft WotLK that allows you to customize panels with hero abilities/pet skills, bags, move them to the desired part of the screen, etc.
General information about the Bartender4 addon for WotLK Classic
The list of features of the Bartender4 addon includes the following:
- Full access to manage the following user interface elements:
- 10 main panels;
- Panels with racks (auras);
- Pet skill panels;
- Inventory panel (bags);
- Micromenu;
- The scale of experience and reputation;
- Changing the appearance of panels: size, position, visual effects, etc;
- Ability to hide unused panels;
- Snapping settings, hotkey bindings;
- Hiding the Blizzard background image in the main panels.
Why do you need Bartender4? It helps to tidy up the user interface in WoW, arrange the panels in the order in which it is convenient for you to use them, and get rid of unnecessary elements on the screen. Blizzard developers always try to enhance the game with patches (for example the newest 10.0.7 was just released), but you can also make the game even more convenient using addons.
Bartender4 Chat Commands
Below we list the main commands that can be used in chat to control some of the important features of Bartender4:
- Show the main window with panel settings – /bartender
- Open a window with hotkey binding settings – /kb

Tidy Plates WotLK Classic
Tidy Plates is an addon for World of Warcraft that replaces the standard NAMEPLATEs with nicely designed strips and additional information.
General information about the addon Tidy Plates WotLK Classic
Tidy Plates is a simple but very useful modification that replaces the standard nickname plates above the players’ heads with more functional strips. The addon offers a large number of nameplate settings, including:
- The degree of intensity of the threat indicator;
- Plate sizes;
- Color, font size;
- Various visual effects;
- Enable/disable the display of enemy target class icons;
- Warning animations at the time of re-aggression;
- Enable/disable the cast bar on the target;
- Enable/disable the display of negative and positive effects on the target;
- Coloring nameplates depending on the level of the player (gray plates indicate that the level of the enemy is much lower than yours);
- Enable/disable the display of combo points on the target.
Optionally, you may save the standard nameplates. In this case, you may use this addon to add additional information under the indicators of HP/class resource of allies and enemies – buffs, debuffs, cast bars, accumulated combo points, etc.
Separately, it should be said that Tidy Plates has the ability to change skins and themes for nameplates. To date, the addon has 6 basic options for the design of plates over their heads for players, you can switch between them using chat commands:
- Skins for tanks: /neontank, /quatretank and /greytank
- Skins for fighters (DPS): /neondps, /quatredps, and /greydps
Tidy Plates Chat Commands
Below we list the main commands that can be used in chat to control some of the important features of Tidy Plates:
- Open addon settings – /tidyplates
- Switch to default theme customization mode – /hub
- View appearance options – /tptp
- Switch between tank and DPS settings – /tptptoggle, /tptpdps and /tptptank
There are lots of WoW addons, here we just named some of them. There are special addons for every expansion of WoW – even for Dragonflight, which was the newest part of the universe.