This article reveals plot details for
Dragon’s Dogma 2
The intricate lore of Dragon’s Dogma 2 can be a bit overwhelming for the average player. The game’s complexity starts with enigmatic characters like the Pathfinder and extends to the creatures that populate the game’s universe. It’s not unreasonable to suggest that Dragon’s Dogma 2 could have used a bestiary to help players identify and locate these creatures. Regrettably, understanding Dragon’s Dogma 2‘s lore and detailed descriptions of its creatures often requires online discussions and Google searches. This includes the game’s Drakes and Lesser Dragons.
The Drakes and Lesser Dragons in Dragon’s Dogma 2 can appear so similar that a search for “Dragon’s Dogma 2 Lesser Dragons” often brings up results for Drakes. This is because the distinctions between Dragon’s Dogma 2‘s Drakes and Lesser Dragons are quite noticeable, but only if players know what to look for. These two formidable creatures are indeed related, as they are both lesser kin of the Dragon central to Dragon’s Dogma 2‘s narrative, but they differ in several ways.
Comparison of Drakes and Lesser Dragons in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Distinctive Features of Lesser Dragons and Drakes
The most striking difference between Drakes and Lesser Dragons lies in their physical attributes. Lesser Dragons are slightly larger than Drakes. Moreover, Lesser Dragons are characterized by large boils that explode after taking enough damage. These boils are the primary weak points of the Lesser Dragon, and once all are destroyed, the dragon is momentarily staggered, providing players a chance for a concentrated attack. Conversely, Drakes have a single weak point, their heart, which glows red when it is exposed.
Drakes Are More Common Than Lesser Dragons
While neither Drakes nor Lesser Dragons are the most common creatures in Dragon’s Dogma 2, Drakes are more frequently encountered than Lesser Dragons — at least until the endgame of Dragon’s Dogma 2. Prior to reaching the Unmoored World in Dragon’s Dogma 2, players will only come across two Lesser Dragons, one of which is not even a combatant. One Lesser Dragon is found at Dragonsbreath Tower, while the other is summoned by Lord Phaesus but is swiftly defeated by the Dragon. In contrast, Drakes are dispersed throughout the world before the endgame of Dragon’s Dogma 2, but players should expect to encounter more Lesser Dragons in the Unmoored World.
Combat Strategies of Drakes and Lesser Dragons
Another significant difference between Drakes and Lesser Dragons becomes evident during combat. Drakes primarily use fire breath and grabbing tactics to incapacitate the Arisen and their Pawns. They also occasionally emit a loud roar that can stun those within its range. Like Drakes, Lesser Dragons can breathe fire, but they also spew pools of acid from their chest that can inflict damage over time to anyone caught in it. Whether Drakes or Lesser Dragons pose a greater challenge is subjective, as both can be formidable opponents.
Despite their shared lineage with the Dragon, Drakes and Lesser Dragons exhibit many differences. The reason for the corrupted appearance of Lesser Dragons remains a mystery, but it is speculated that they are artificial dragons created to ward off other dragons threatening the world. In contrast, Drakes have always been genuine kin of the Dragon, even being among the most dangerous creatures in Dragon’s Dogma and Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen.
Dragon’s Dogma 2: The Awaited Sequel
Dragon’s Dogma 2, the much-anticipated follow-up to the 2012 action RPG by Capcom, continues the saga of the Arisen, a protagonist whose heart is seized by a formidable, gigantic dragon. The game world is quadruple the size of the original, with a strong focus on customization and player agency through its character creation feature, vocations system, and AI-guided Pawns.
- Available on
- PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
- Launch Date
- March 22, 2024
- Game Publisher(s)
- Capcom
- Game Genre(s)
- Action RPG
- Estimated Completion Time
- 30 Hours
- Availability on PS Plus
- N/A