Play Flashgate Beta 3 Hacked Below
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Hack Information:
Start with 999999 deuranium and latinium . In order to start a new game you’ll have to click the upmost edge of the gate – same goes when choosing your race – use the edges of the gate. In addition of the hack you can use these cheats :
‘Press F8 and type one of these in:
maxdur: 999,999 deuranium
maxlat: 999,999 latinium
everyonelovesme:100% prestige in every star systems.
ilovetocheat:1000 away team exp,engineering exp and 1000 tactical skills.
getinthebooth:Every star system is own by the Earth empire.
allknowing:like ilovetocheat but no deuraniums and latiniums.
byebyeklingons:All klingon system is uninhabited but it will be owned by the government called none buildings will remain.
urmine:the current system you are in is yours!
imgood: the current system you are in will be 100% with you which is cool!.
imbad:the current system you are in prestige will be -100% which is not cool unless u want to fight.
Flashgate Beta 3 Unblocked
The Ring of Stars is a powerful way of travelling through space instantaneously and the humans are controlling it. Travel between various worlds and complete a variety of missions in this cool space game.